Thu, Jan 04: Introduction
Thu, Jan 11: Signs
Thu, Jan 18: Codes
Thu, Jan 25: Codes 2
Thu, Feb 01: Sign/Code/Myth
Thu, Feb 08: Applying codes
Thu, Feb 15: Semiotics of place
Thu, Feb 22: NSCAD Closed - no class
Thu, Feb 29 : Design languages and systems
Thu, Mar 07: Rhetoric
Thu, Mar 14: Metaphor
Thu, Mar 21: Interface
Thu, Mar 28: Built environment
Thu, Apr 04: Applied semiotics 2
Thu, Apr 11: Applied semiotics case study
Thu, Apr 18: Wrapup
Thu, Apr 04
DSGN 3100: Applied semiotics 2
Today's objectives
Semiotics and politics
DIY Semiotics
Models of communication
Assignment 9: Applied semiotics part 2
Design against a myth
The task
Using the insights and approach you presented in the previous assignment, develop the concept for an intervention that seeks to mitigate the environmental and social damage caused by the "Myth of size." You may modify your approach from what you presented in the previous assignment but any complete change of topic needs my approval.
This does not have to be targeted at vehicles, as housing and other categories are also afflicted by this cultural tendency, but consider carefully what aspect of "SIZE is IMPORTANCE" you wish to act against.
Engage with the problem
This assignment is to translate your understanding and insight into action. What is the actual intervention - a work of design - you can propose as a tactic? You are conveying concept at this point so as in previous assignments, some combination of precedent, sketch, text, plans, labels, etc., is encouraged. You are not looking to show the look and feel of the final "intervention" but rather how you can translate your analysis into action - something that can be done.
Avoid straightforward tactics like posters or social media campaigns. Think expansively, and push the limits of what is possible. You can't simply pass laws banning large vehicles (or monster houses, or giant macchiatos) but can consider, can you:
- Subvert?
- Replace?
- Redesign?
- Reframe?
- Reject?
- Nudge?
- Dissuade?
- Incentivize?
- Obsolesce?
Think about all the different ways that you can apply meaning in design. Consider the various media we've looked at, from industrial design to design of the built environment, from cultural products like narrative, food and the arts to interfaces and packaging. Any of these - and more - are possible routes to explore.
Show ability to apply concepts we've learned in class to tackle a tough problem. Move from analysis to insight to action.
One page only, as a presentation. Include your name, and give your approach or insight a name/title. Clarity and legibility are vital.
Due: 6PM, Wed, Apr 10. Upload the PDF file to Brightspace.
Name the file: YOURLASTNAME_DSGN3100_Assign9.PDF
Be prepared to present your work in class on screen.