Thu, Jan 04: Introduction
Thu, Jan 11: Signs
Thu, Jan 18: Codes
Thu, Jan 25: Codes 2
Thu, Feb 01: Sign/Code/Myth
Thu, Feb 08: Applying codes
Thu, Feb 15: Semiotics of place
Thu, Feb 22: NSCAD Closed - no class
Thu, Feb 29 : Design languages and systems
Thu, Mar 07: Rhetoric
Thu, Mar 14: Metaphor
Thu, Mar 21: Interface
Thu, Mar 28: Built environment
Thu, Apr 04: Applied semiotics 2
Thu, Apr 11: Applied semiotics case study
Thu, Apr 18: Wrapup
Thu, Jan 04
DSGN 3100: Introduction
Today's objectives
- Review course outlines and requirements
- Confirm that all required software tools are working
- Semiotics concepts and definition
- Semiotics
- Sign
- Signifier
- Signified
- Iconic
- Symbolic
- Indexical
C.S. Peirce
Major concepts
Classifying signs
- Semiotics for Beginners is a key text. Expect to read most of it over the term. It also has a good glossary.
Required reading
- Semiotics for Beginners is a key text. Expect to read all of it over the term. It also has a good glossary.
- A Course in General Linguistics by Ferdinand de Saussure
Read "Part One: General Principles (pp. 65-100) for Thurs Jan 11. Required reading
Assignment 1: Documenting signs
Visually document 25 signs you have found in the outdoor or indoor environment, or, to be more precise, "sign vehicles" - that is, the physical object that conveys meaning.
Label each one, and classify each example as indexical, iconic, or symbolic. Make sure each sign is one you have found and documented yourself - you may use photographs, sketches or text where appropriate. All work must be your own, and you may not under any circumstances use images created by others.
For this assignment, you must not use street signs, or any other kind of typical "signage" such as warning signs, commercial signage, etc. Some signs may be difficult to classify, or may be difficult to designate as signs, but be prepared to justify their inclusion. Use the "signs" chapter of Semiotics for Beginners as a reference.
Remember: anything that conveys meaning is a sign.
You are not inventing or creating signs - you are merely locating, documenting and classifying existing ones.
Make sure to understand the basic concepts behind both Saussure and Peirce before you begin.
Make sure you can demonstrate clear understanding of the three Peircean categories - indexical, iconic and symbolic. Ensure that you choose signs of widely varying types.
Submit as a PDF file. For each sign, clearly note:
- the signified - the meaning
- the signifier - what is conveying the meaning
- and its Peircean category (index, icon or symbol).
Due: 6PM, Wed, Jan 10. Upload the PDF file to Brightspace.
Name the file: YOURLASTNAME_DSGN3100_Assign1.PDF
Marking is based on demonstrating correct understanding of categories, presenting a wide range of types of signs, and clear organization and presentation.
Presentation skills are critical in this class, and in design in general. While your presentations do not need to be elaborate, they need to be clear, well organized, and effectively get your point across to your intended audience.