Thu, Jan 04: Introduction
Thu, Jan 11: Signs
Thu, Jan 18: Codes
Thu, Jan 25: Codes 2
Thu, Feb 01: Sign/Code/Myth
Thu, Feb 08: Applying codes
Thu, Feb 15: Semiotics of place
Thu, Feb 22: NSCAD Closed - no class
Thu, Feb 29 : Design languages and systems
Thu, Mar 07: Rhetoric
Thu, Mar 14: Metaphor
Thu, Mar 21: Interface
Thu, Mar 28: Built environment
Thu, Apr 04: Applied semiotics 2
Thu, Apr 11: Applied semiotics case study
Thu, Apr 18: Wrapup
Thu, Feb 15
DSGN 3100: Semiotics of place
Today's objectives
- Nuclear semiotics
- Semiotics of the built environment
- Paradigms and syntagms
- Reading quiz
Nuclear Semiotics
Design for Dissuasion
Communicating Concepts
Assignment 5: This is not a place of fun
Your task is to create a playground that kids will not want to play in.
Background: Cities often require land developers to provide playgrounds as part of new housing developments. The land developer in this case must comply and build a playground, but doesn't want kids hanging around. The playground you describe must follow the basic rules for playground safety and accessibility. You can review some of these rules here but are not responsible for meeting these regulations - this document is for background research only. You can't use obvious impediments such as fences, razor edges, landmines, tigers, etc. Nor can you simply post signs that say, for example, "No playing allowed."
Your task is to communicate a concept for this "playgound" clearly. The objective is to get your idea across clearly and efficiently.
You must adhere to the basic formal requirements of a playground, including life safety. The playground must be located in this imaginary subdivision, but you can choose where. Be thoughtful and strategic when you choose your location. Remember, the playground must have recognizable signs of "playgroundness."
The objective to not to create a playground children can't play in, but rather one they don't want to play in.
Emphasize semiotic aspects - that it, use meaning and signification to dissuade.
You may use images, sketches, words or other means to communicate your concept.
You can find examples of communicating playground designs here, but you do not need to use this style.
Any work not your own must be cited, using the MLA guidelines.
Notes: Typical rhetoric is based on persuading people to do something. What is the rhetoric of dissuading people from doing something?
Think expansively. This is not a product design project, it is a communication project, in the broadest possible sense. Meaning is your primary tool. Think about the audiences - children and caregivers, local residents, etc. Think beyond playground equipment - think about the landscape, context, narrative, nudges, multisensory experience and all the things that can affect the way people think about a place. What is the code, or vernacular, of playgrounds? And how can you manipulate that vernacular to both communicate "playgroundness" but also dissuade use?
Think about proposing and communicating tactics rather than designing objects. What tools or techniques might you propose to achieve an outcome.
Approach this project from multiple directions. Remember, a playground is a collection, a bundle of things that work together to provide an experience. What things will be in your bundle? Assume you'll need to include at least six specific tactics or elements - more is better.
Your presentation should have a title page. Try to keep the bulk of your concept on a single page - think of it as a small poster - but make sure it will be legible on screen. Additional information, references, and your brief explanation of the "rhetoric" if playgrounds (see below) can go on an additional page or pages.Include a short written explanation of your "rhetoric" of playgrounds - the basic codes of "playgroundness" you observe in other playgrounds and are obeying, acknowledging, subverting or violating in your design concept.
Due: 6PM, Wed, Feb 28. Upload the PDF file to Brightspace.
Late assignment penalties
For this assignment, late submissions will be penalized at 10% of the total mark (that is, if an assignment is graded out of 10, you will lose 1 point per day, starting on the due date.)
A 1-hour grace period after the assignment due time will be given to avoid any technical issues related to internet speed resulting in late assignment penalties.
The best approach, however, is to submit work early.