•Add CSS to your web site. Basic text styles are essential; CSS positioning is suggested. Validate and check carefully. Name the folder containing all your files for this assignment YOUURLASTNAME_Assignment6b. Compress (make archive on Mac OS) the folder and upload the .zip file to Brightspace.
Due Mon, Nov 07, 6:00 PM.
Write a first draft based on your approved topic.
Submit: digital file in .PDF format, uploaded to Brightspace by 6 pm, Mon, Nov 21
Basic CSS PDF Handout.
A good CSS tutorial for beginners
Lots of CSS examples.
Responsive web design is web design that adapts to screen sizes, from phones to desktops.
https://getbootstrap.com is a framework (like a kit of parts) for building responsive web sites easily.
Way too many CSS resources.
selector | selector name | matches |
h1 | type | all h1 tags |
.warning | class | every element with class="warning" |
#temporary | id | every element with id="warning" |
li a | descendant | every "a" tag within an "li" element |
* | universal | everything | div.warning | class | every div with class="warning" |
div#temporary | id | every div with id="warning" |
a#active | pseudo-class | every a tag in the "active" state - that is, the mouse is hovering over it. |
See the Pen CSS Scratchpad by Robert Currie (@rcurrie) on CodePen.
See the Pen Class selector example by Robert Currie (@rcurrie) on CodePen.
See the Pen Divs and positioning by Robert Currie (@rcurrie) on CodePen.
See the Pen CSS Centering by Robert Currie (@rcurrie) on CodePen.
A good CSS tutorial for beginners
Lots of CSS examples.
Centering in CSS is, well, odd. You can center text easily enough, but how do you center a div? Here's how:
#divname {
width: 800px;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
In the example above, the div is given a width of 800px. If you want to center the whole page, wrap all your content in a div and center that.
The Bootstrap framework is a set of CSS components to speed the building of responsive web sites.
CSS Resets. Getting rid of the built-in styles your browser applies.
Adobe web fonts. A service for managing CSS fonts.
Google Fonts. A free service for embedding fonts - but the range of options and quality is not as good as commercial services.
The Pure CSS Framework. Pre-built components for web projects.
A complete, free course on front end web development.