Needs to be done in InDesign.
Margins a minimum of 1 inch left and right.
Use a leading value of twice your body text point size.
Title page: Title of essay, your name, your student number, instructor's name, course name and number, due date.
Pages need to be numbered, starting with the first page of your essay (not the title page). Use a header with the title of the essay in it, and your name. Use parent pages.
You must use paragraph styles for all content.
Cite the name of the web site on a separate page titled "Works Cited."
Getting your page numbers to start on the first text page (not the cover page) can be tricky. You need to define a section and then remove the extra automatic page number from the cover page. Refer to: Page numbers and sections or to the video on the class web page, Managing page numbering options.
Use the MLA format for the citation of the web site on the "Works Cited". List any other references in the "Works Cited" page. Follow the MLA style exactly; you must also include the URL for any web sites. (URLs are optional in MLA style, but I am requiring you to include them. ZoteroBib is a good resource for generating references.Include the usability test with your participant as a "personal interview" in your Works Cited - find out how to format that here.
Package (use File->Package) and zip the file.
Upload to Brightspace by 6 pm, Mon, Dec 05
Name your folder YOURLASTNAME_Review and so your zip file will be called