DSGN 4101 Home Page
- Mon, Jan 10: Intro
- Mon, Jan 17: Class 2
- Mon, Jan 24: Class 3
- Mon, Jan 31: Class 4
- Mon, Feb 07: Class 5
- Mon, Feb 14: Class 6
- Feb 21:No class (Feb break)
- Mon, Feb 28: Class 7
- Mon, Mar 07: Class 8
- Mon, Mar 14: Class 9
- Mon, Mar 21: Class 10
- Mon, Mar 28: Class 11
- Mon, Apr 04: Class 12
- Mon, Apr 11: Class 13
- April 18: No class (holiday)
- Mon, Apr 25: Class 14
Mon, Jan 24
DSGN 4101: Media
Today's objectives
- Review assignment 2
- Interpretation: personal vs. media-based
- Media
- What is interpretive media?
- Common media
- Innovative media
- Interpretive planning discussion
- Interpretive plan mini-presentations
Thinking small
The Resources section of the web site is a good start.
To look for examples of good (or bad) interpretive media, Google image searches on terms like "exhibit design", "interpretive design", "heritage interpretation" are good starting points.
Reading assignment
Read and/or watch the videos linked below for next class.
Assignment 3: Media review
Create a curated precedent collection of interpretive media.
Create a visual collection of examples of interpretive media, related to cultural or natural heritage. For this project, our definition of interpretive media will exclude purely artistic pieces - fine art, public sculpture, etc, that is not attempting to tell or evoke a story - but can include interpretive panels/signage, museum exhibits, interpretation for parks, trails and historic site, or other similar sites.
For this assignment, online research is expected, rather than in-person collection of examples.
Try for a broad range of examples, and try to choose exemplars - examples that are particularly good at demonstrating the category. Feel free to include some average or even poor examples, as long as you note them as such.
Post an image or link the DSGN 4101 Padlet. Post in the column with your name on it. For each, include an image (more than one if necessary) and the location and topic of the work.
Post 25 good examples. Review other students's work to avoid duplicates.
Include the location (site or institution) topic and URL.
Try for a balance of things like museum exhibits, and heritage interpretation.
Design firms specializing in interpretation, professional associations, award sites, museums and research studies are all good sources.
Types of interpretation
Include at least one from each of the categories below, and include the #hashtag noted for each in the description.
- visual media #visual
- audio media #audio
- tactile (touch-based) media #touch
- smell #smell
- taste #taste
- physical interactive #physical
- digital interactive #digital
- mobile (phone/tablet based) #mobile
- web/online #web
- in-person interpretation (by human interpreters) #inperson
- interpretation aimed at children #children
- outdoor interpretation - parks, trails, etc. #outdoor
- urban interpretation - appears in a city. #urban
- interpretation of an abstract concept (rather than a place, thing, person or event) #concept
- typical interpretive panel #typical
- poor or uninteresting interpretation #bad
Late assignment penalties
For this assignment, late submissions will be penalized at 10% of the total mark (that is, if an assignment is graded out of 10, you will lose 1 point per day, starting on the due date.)
A 1-hour grace period after the assignment due time will be given to avoid any technical issues related to internet speed resulting in late assignment penalties.
The best approach, however, is to submit work early.
Due: 6PM, Sun, Jan 30. Post to Padlet.
Post precedent as you find them, not all at once.
If you haven’t used it, please review the video below, and make sure you are logging in through your NSCAD account.