Thu, Oct 24

DSGN 3301: Community consultation and universal design

Today's objectives

  • Review VE mapping exercise
  • Review Reading (Art of Relevance)
  • Community consultation
    • Why
    • How
    • Levels
    • Techniques
  • Universal design
  • Physical accessibility
  • Media accessibility
  • Site visit
    • Preparing
    • Alternate tasks
    • Documenting




Universal design

Universal design

SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis

Community consultation

Community consultation

Project Management

Project Management


Accessibility resources
Parks Canada Design Guidelines for Media Accessibility Brightspace link
Not recently updated, but frequently consulted
Smithsonian Guidelines for Accessible Exhibition Design Brightspace link
US-centric, but still valuable
ingenium accessibility standards for exhibitions
Published by Canada's Museums of Science and Innovation
AccessAbility 2: A Practical Handbook on Accessible Graphic Design
Focuses on graphic design, but covers a range of topics
Resources for universal design
Public consultation resources
International Association of Public Participation (IAP2) - Canadian Chapter
A modern replacement for traditional community meetings


Assignment 5b. Next stage: SWOT analysis
Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats

Do a 1-page SWOT analysis of your site from a Visitor Experience point of view. Remember to get the "O" for opportunities section right. Opportunities are external, beneficial forces, not things you choose to do. Refer to SWOT presentation (Class 7).

Name the file: YOURLASTNAME_DSGN3301_Assign5b.PDF

Due 6 PM Wed, Mar 13

Late assignment penalties

For this assignment, late submissions will be penalized at 10% of the total mark (that is, if an assignment is graded out of 10, you will lose 1 point per day, starting on the due date.)

A 1-hour grace period after the assignment due time will be given to avoid any technical issues related to internet speed resulting in late assignment penalties.

The best approach, however, is to submit work early.

Robert Currie
This page was last updated at 2024-10-08 11:19.