Mon, Jan 20
Imaging Basics
Today's objectives
- Cover basic file management
- Review basic computers handout
- Understand resolution and bit depth
- Correctly set up Photoshop
- Learn basic Photoshop operations
- Introduce Basic Photoshop tools
- Review use of Adobe Acrobat
Preparation and resources
- Download Photoshop sample files before class (linked below)
- Download and review handouts
Download sample images for in-class use.
Download a very small image to see how to deal with it. Open it in Photoshop and check the resolution (Image->Image Size). Use "Pixels/Inch" as your measurement system. As a test, increase the resolution (with the "Resample" function turned on.) to 300 pixels/inch. How does the image look? (It will not look good.)
Download a large image to see how to deal with it. Look at the file's width and height (print dimensions) in inches or cm, and check the resolution. Change the resolution to 300 ppi with (with the "Resample" function turned off.) and note that the number of pixels stays the same, but the print dimensions and print resolution changes.
Download In-class practice task files to explore file size and resolution.
On you own, explore the "Image size" function with each of these files. Assume you want to end up with a file that will fit on an 8x10 inch page, and is 240 ppi (pixels per inch)
you need to reduce both the image dimensions and the resolution in pixels per inch
you can try increasing the image dimensions and resoliution but observe the results
this file is at 72ppi but has lots of pixels - check the image dimensions. Fix it.
Download Resolution handout in Acrobat
PDF format PDF
Download Storage Units handout in Acrobat
PDF format PDF
Download File Formats handout in Acrobat
PDF format PDF
🔰 Practice task: Pixel dimensions and resolution
Download the resolution task sample files
Submit all three files at the specified pixel dimensions, resolution and file type.
Make sure to pay close attention to file names.
- image-01 - save in JPEG format, 300 ppi. Do not change the number of pixels. Save file as YOURLASTNAME_task1-image-01 and make sure it has the correct file extension for the file format required.
- image-02 - save in PSD format, 240 ppi. Save at print size that will fit an 8x10 inch page - image should fit width or height but may not fit exactly in other dimension. Save file as YOURLASTNAME_task1-image-02 and make sure it has the correct file extension for the file format required.
- image-03 - save in JPEG format, 400px wide. Save file as YOURLASTNAME_task1-image-03 and make sure it has the correct file extension for the file format required.
- image-04 - try changing the resolution to 300ppi while leaving the print dimensions the same. Note: this is not normally a good idea - the point here is to see what happens when you try. Save file as YOURLASTNAME_task1-image-04 and make sure it has the correct file extension for the file format required. Save in PSD format.
For each, make a note for yourself: does the image you have submitted have more, fewer, or exactly the same number of pixels?
Upload the each file to Brightspace by 6 pm,
Sun, Jan 26
File Management
Video: Basic Tools
Video: Brushes
Video: Using the Clone Stamp Tool
Old video - sorry for the bad sound.
Decreasing resolution
Professional practice
Bitmap images are the foundation of many design activities.
Critical professional practice points include:
- Showing attention to detail in your work - if it looks wrong, it probably is wrong.
- Understanding the resolution and file format requirements for the media you are working in.
- Using techniques that allow you to easily modify an image.
- Being aware of intellectual property aspects - do you have right to use an image for a particular purpose?
Need help?
Make sure you understand the basic concepts of pixel dimensions, resolution and bit depth.
This web page has more detailed information.
Next steps:
- Practice with the clone stamp tool until you can get good results without effort.
- Open images from different sources - your camera, phone, etc. Make sure you are clear as to why the resolution is shown in the way it is.